Hi, I'm Emily Laning, certified full-spectrum doula

I'm thrilled you're here.

I was a pre-med university student outside of Chicago when I observed my first birth. I still remember tearing up with emotion at the beauty of new life coming into the world - even though I had no personal connection to the family.

I've always desired to be a part of others experiencing a flourishing life. For a time I thought that would play out through going to medical school. But while I was pursuing that, I also experienced a spiritual transformation. As a result of my life being impacted, I chose to instead journey with other college students (in the US and around the world) as they explored life and spirituality, becoming a mentor and resource to them.

After a decade working with college students as they experience a major transition, my focus returned to birth as I learned about doulas. Birth is a beautiful and significant transition time, but I also saw the lack of support and care that exists. Being a doula allows me to bring together my passions for, and skills in, emotional and spiritual care, teaching and education, and practical support in the healthcare space. I hope to be a part of women experiencing flourishing during the time around birth!

My Philosophy

I believe birth is a hugely transformative time in a person’s life and affects you not just physically but also emotionally, relationally, and spiritually - your whole self. And yet in our current culture, we have lost so much of the beauty and metamorphosis of this time, as well as the support and care.

I desire to reclaim the transformative nature of this time in your life - a time that truly births a new person as well as a new baby. A new person who has grown and changed, who knows their dignity and worth, and who has confidence to move forward in the next stage of their life.

I will journey with and support you holistically, holding space for you so that you are seen, supported, and empowered in each step. I hope to come alongside you so you experience transformation and flourishing. Birth should be a time of hope – hope for new life for the child, for new life for the mother, and for new life for the entire community. Throughout the ups and downs, I will hold hope with you and for you.

What do I bring to your experience?

  • A belief that each person has dignity and significance: I want you to know your dignity and worth as a person, and to walk humbly and confidently into bringing a new life into this world. I want to empower you to live out of your strengths, personality, and beliefs.

  • An ability to help people feel seen: I hold space for who you are and what you are experiencing through listening well, asking good questions, and responding with compassion.

  • A love of understanding, being prepared, and teaching others: I am knowledgeable about the perinatal, birth, and postpartum periods and stay up to date on evidence based information so that I can empower you to make informed decisions.

  • A calm and steady presence: In situations that may feel unknown, difficult, or chaotic, I will be with you and will help you navigate whatever comes – troubleshooting and problem solving with patience and hope, rejoicing when things go as desired, and grieving the losses with you.

  • A respect of culture: Your culture and background influences how you view birth, and as I've engaged with people from many different cultures, I've seen the importance of seeking to learn from and honor cultures different from my own.

  • A coach’s heart: I believe that you can do this. With the big picture in mind, I can help you take the next step, encouraging you and providing feedback if helpful.

  • A healthy and whole self: I seek wholeness and health in my own emotional and spiritual life so that I can serve you well, being able to freely love others from a stable place and drawing on resources beyond my own finite limitations.

  • A spirit of humility, kindness, compassion, and hope: I seek to live out these values in all my interactions with people.